Oriental Music Conversations – Laura Leante – Interaction in North Indian Classical Music Performance

21 Aprile 2021 - Ore 17.00

Oriental Music Conversations – Laura Leante – Interaction in North Indian Classical Music Performance




ISMEO presenta il primo seminario di Oriental Music Conversations



21 Aprile 2021
Ore 17.00


Laura Leante
(Lecture, Q&A, Durham University)


Interaction in North Indian Classical Music Performance



In this lecture dr. Leante will discuss the interactions taking place in North Indian classical music performance. Since this music is shaped largely in the moment of performance, the success of the event depends on felicitous interaction between participants; studying these interactions is therefore key to a full understanding of this music tradition. Drawing on classic work by Erving Goffman, she will consider the roles assumed by participants and their complementarity; the hierarchies that exist amongst participants and how they relate to those roles; the expression of authority and deference; and the causes and results of conflict in performance. These reflections will also lead to reconsider the presentational nature of this kind of performance, as proposed by Thomas Turino. The research presented here is based on extensive fieldwork carried out in India in the past two decades.

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